Here is a nice simplification of the Do No Harm model.  You can read about it at

Here is a quote from the DNH document:

Actions, Resources, and Resource Transfers

When an organization enters a context, it brings certain ‘stuff’. We bring materials, personnel, and intellectual capital. The ways we transfer this stuff to the communities we work with has effects. It is not just the resources themselves, but our and our organizations’ actions in transferring or distributing them.
Simply put, these are our Actions and their Consequences. There are five ways our actions have an effect on conflict. None of these has to do with precisely what we bring into a context, but rather how we go about storing, maintaining and distributing those goods.

1. Theft/Diversion: Fueling the conflict with stolen or diverted goods.
2. Market Effects: Changing local markets with an influx of outside goods.
3. Distribution Effects: Distributing goods along the lines of the conflict.
4. Substitution Effects: Replacing existing functioning systems or structures.
5. Legitimization Effects: Giving legitimacy to a group or leader by working with them.

It is important to remember to be aware of the impacts of these effects, and monitor for them consciously and thoughtfully.